
Li Zhongyong With nine years of frontline experience in geological exploration, this expert joined the company in 2010, dedicating efforts to business development and innovation. Leveraging professional skills, he successfully led the team to integrate online and offline sales channels, significantly enhancing the company's market presence. Renowned for numerous patented innovations, he possesses unique insights and qualifications, especially in water well drilling and geological exploration.

Na'urar Gyaran Muhalli don Maƙallan Lu'u-lu'u

Li Xiaohuan Li Zhongyong Patents and innovation Zou Chao

Kirkirar tana da nasaba da fannin fasahar gyaran hakar lu'u-lu'u kuma tana bayyana wata na'urar gyara mai ceton makamashi da muhalli don hakar lu'u-lu'u. Na'urar tana da akwatin gyara tare da ruwan farko da aka gyara a tsakiyar saman ta, da kuma tarin ruwa a kasa. Farantin tace goyon baya a saman yana da...