
PDC Mata Bor Inti dengan Segmen Pisau untuk Batu Keras dan Granit

Mata Bor Inti PDC dengan Segmen Pisau dirancang untuk pengeboran presisi pada batu keras dan granit. Menampilkan bahan berlian polikristalin yang tahan lama dan segmen pisau, mata bor ini mengurangi...
Nomor Mobel: 127#standar

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Diverse product line suitable for various fields.
PDC vacuum welding boosts strength, durability,performance
Integrated forming of tungsten carbide alloy steel
Applications of drill bits in various rock layers and scenarios READ NOW
Model **
Type Drill bit
Material Aolly
Size Range **
Thread Type **
Recommended Formation **
Origin HUNAN,China
Packaging Carton or Wooden Box

Best Practices for Using Composite Sheet Drill Bits

1. During normal operations, it is strictly forbidden to suddenly reverse the direction of operation to prevent the detachment of the composite sheet drill bits.
2. Ensure that there are no air leaks in the main airway of the air compressor during normal operations to maintain sufficient airflow and pressure, thereby extending the life of the diamond composite sheet drill bits.
3. When using a new composite sheet drill bit for the first time, operate at low speed for half an hour for running-in before progressively transitioning to normal usage.
4. In adverse geological conditions, reduce the axial pressure and rotation speed to prevent drill bit fracture.
5. During normal drilling operations, if it becomes necessary to change the drill bit midway, thoroughly check the borehole for debris. Only proceed with a new composite sheet drill bit if the borehole is clean.
6. To ensure stable and normal operation of the drill bit, replace the stabilizer regularly.
Pay attention to the cleanliness of the drilling area when using a new composite sheet drill bit for the first time to prevent debris from affecting
7. normal operation. Before replacing with a new drill bit, carefully check that the threads and teeth are intact and gently push to test if there are any issues.
8. Ensure that the inside is dust-free and the air outlet is clear, the threads are lubricated, and after connecting the drill bit with lifting and rotation, you may proceed to use it.
9. It is strictly prohibited to use bent drill rods to avoid uneven stress on the drill bit, which could accelerate damage and affect the normal usage time.
10. Choose different drill bits and operation methods based on different situations.
11. Before descending the well with a composite sheet drill bit, carefully inspect all parts to ensure there are no issues before beginning to use the drill bit.

Tabel Referensi Pengeboran Batuan Komprehensif

Klasifikasi/Nama Stratum Mewakili Strata Batuan Kecepatan Pengeboran Teoretis/Panjang Tarik yang Direkomendasikan Mata Bor yang Direkomendasikan
Tingkat 1 (Tanah Gembur) Loess sekunder, Hongshi sekunder, pasir lembut tanpa kerikil dan kerikil bersudut, tanah diatom 15 juta/jam, 15 juta/p Mata bor paduan, mata bor komposit gigi kecil, mata bor komposit biasa
Tingkat 2 (Batu Lepas) Jenis Huangshi/Hongshi/Tanah Gambut/Tanah Berpasir/Kaolin 8 jt/jam, 2,4 jt/p Mata bor paduan, mata bor komposit gigi kecil, mata bor komposit biasa
Tingkat 3 (Batu Lunak) Serpih/Batu Tulis/Batu Penggembalaan/Sekis/Lapisan Pasir Sedikit Disemen Sangat Lapuk 6 jt/jam, 2 jt/p Mata bor komposit biasa, mata bor komposit segitiga, mata bor komposit berbentuk roti, mata bor komposit berbentuk pisau
Level 4 (Batu Sedikit Lembut) Serpih, serpih berpasir, serpih minyak, serpih berkarbon, serpih berkapur, lapisan serpih pasir, batu kapur berlempung 5 jt/jam, 1,7 jt/p Mata bor komposit biasa, mata bor komposit segitiga, mata bor komposit berbentuk roti, mata bor komposit berbentuk pisau
Level 5 (Agak Keras) Lapisan kerikil dan kerikil, lapisan keruntuhan batu tulis berlumpur, batu tulis hijau klorit serisit, sekis, batu kapur, marmer 3 juta/jam, 11,50 juta/p Mata bor komposit biasa, mata bor komposit segitiga, mata bor komposit berbentuk roti, mata bor komposit berbentuk pisau
Tingkat 6-7 (Batu Keras Sedang) Klorit, mika, batu tulis, batu Qianmu, sekis, batu kapur silikat, kalsit 2 juta/jam, 1,3 juta/P-1,1 juta/P Mata bor komposit berbentuk pisau, mata bor komposit diperkuat, mata bor komposit gigi helm, mata bor berlian berlapis bermutu tinggi
Tingkat 8-9 (Batu Keras) Batuan mika silikat, gneiss, basal, diorit, piroksenit, kuarsa porfiri Anshan 1,2 juta/jam, 0,3 juta/P-0,65 juta/P Mata bor komposit tebal, mata bor komposit berbentuk bilah, mata bor komposit gigi helm, mata bor berlian berlapis listrik konvensional, mata bor berlian polikristalin (TSP) yang stabil secara termal
Tingkat 10-11 (Batu Sangat Keras) Granit, granodiorit, gneiss, riolit, kuarsit 0,8 juta/jam, 0,5 juta/P-0,32 juta/P Mata bor sinter badan, mata bor berlian berlapis listrik tingkat rendah, mata bor berlian polikristalin (TSP) yang stabil secara termal.
Level 12 (Sangat Hard Rock) Kuarsit, jasper, serpih sudut, batuan korundum, kuarsa, batu api, jasper 0,3 juta/jam, 0,16 juta/p Mata bor sinter badan, mata bor berlian berlapis listrik tingkat rendah, mata bor berlian polikristalin (TSP) yang stabil secara termal.

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