Diamond Drill Bit Grinding Device for Water Injection Channels
Li Xiaohuan Li Zhongyong Patents and innovation Zou Chao
High-Strength pdc Drill Bit: Manufacturing Method
Li Xiaohuan Li Zhongyong Patents and innovation Zou Chao
Corrosion-Resistant, Wear-Resistant Geological Drill Bit & Manufacturing Method
Li Xiaohuan Li Zhongyong Patents and innovation Zou Chao
Composite Geological Drill Bit with Anti-Sand Blocking Features
Li Zhongyong Patents and innovation Zou Chao
New Cleaning Device for Geological Drill Bit Production
Li Xiaohuan Li Zhongyong Patents and innovation Zou Chao
Eco-Friendly Repair Device for Diamond Drill Bits
Li Xiaohuan Li Zhongyong Patents and innovation Zou Chao